2009년 1월 7일 수요일

Camera calibration toolbox for Matlab

Camera calibration toolbox for Matlab
Modern CCD cameras are usually capable of a spatial accuracy greater than 1/50 of the pixel size. However, such accuracy is not easily attained due to various error sources that can affect the image formation process. Current calibration methods typically assume that the observations are unbiased, the only error is the zero-mean independent and identically distributed random noise in the observed image coordinates, and the camera model completely explains the mapping between the 3D coordinates and the image coordinates. In general, these conditions are not met, causing the calibration results to be less accurate than expected.

위 내용은 http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~jth/calibr/에서 퍼온 내용중 일부이다.

이 사이트에 들어가시면 matlab 소스 코드까지 받을 수 있다.

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